Office Easy

Office Easy

Imagine a world where small businesses have their own call centers paying just 1€. That’s possible thanks to an innovative service from Office Easy called Dx Office, which offers equipment for 1€ and competitive communication cost since it’s part if an annual contract. Only one thing is necessary: The internet.

This explainer video uses three main characters to show, in different contexts, the potential of the product/service in a very comprehensive story. 

Studio: Studio Gepetta
Client: DXOffice
Creative Direction: Milton Cobe
Design & Illustration: Júlio Carvalho, Milton Cobe & Thayze Nascimento
Animation & Sound Design: Levi Herreira, Bruno Hirai & Rebecca Pelagio
Brazil, 2017
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Office Easy

Project Made For

Office Easy

Imagine a world where small businesses have their own call centers paying just 1€. That’s possible thanks to an innovative service from Office Ea Read More
