Kurt Fink's profile

High School Sports

Photographing High School Sports
Geneva High School 
The photographing of sports is more challenging than the average photographer believes. To be good at shooting sports, a photographer must learn about the sport. Its rules. team / individual tendencies, team / indiviual personalities and also be a master of your camera equipment. Shooting fast action sports such as football, auto racing. soccer, hockey. etc. requires the photographer to shoot a high shutter speeds (1/500 second and above). To shoot at these high speeds, the photographer needs light, a lot of light. The most challenging sports are the ones played at night or indoors. Most High School stadiums and gymnasiums do not have state of the art lighting that one requires for shooting without a flash and/or high ISO's. Shooting during the daylight allows the photographer to concentrate more on positioning and technique verses lighting. In the photographs below I shoot during the evening sunset without the need for flash progressing to full night under the lights with the assistance of a flash unit. The stadium I have the pleasure to shoot at, is new and has very good lighting.  The photographs were shot at ISO 1600 - 3200 @f2.8 and 1/640sec using 3480K light white balance as the lights took effect.
High School Sports

High School Sports

The challenge of photographing High School Sports.
