Six Kilometers's profile

Trinity of Taoism 中式人鬼神 / Zine

中式人鬼神 Trinity of Taoism

我曾經對中元節也是聞之色變,窥之而惶恐的,不過近年來逐漸發現,中元節本身擁有濃烈的道教文化色彩,進而發掘到當中的美感所在。而我本身也對時裝設計與剪裁深感興趣,於是有想象過如果道教的神秘色彩,與時裝搭配融爲一體的話會產生怎樣的化學。 於是乎,這本同人志就誕生啦!
When I was still a kid, I was deathly afraid of the word “ghost”. I was so afraid I’d used to slap my cheeks every time I mentioned the word, as it was a taboo in Taoism and was necessary to show respect for the dead. But my fear soon turned into interest and obsession when I entered puberty. I started watch Hong Kong Ghost movies, and would even go out of my way to buy novels related to the supernatural.  One of my greatest inspirations was  Lam Ching Ying’s famous vampire movie series, which peaked my interest in demons, monsters and Taoist magic. 

Another example of this fear turned obsession was with the Hungry Ghost festival. I used at the thought of the festival, but I’ve now come to accept and be fascinated by its cultural significance and aesthetic atmosphere. Thus, combined with my deep love for fashion design, I’ve always wanted to try merging the unique cultural and supernatural essence of Taoism with my own studies of fashion design. The product of which exist in this Zine.
Trinity of Taoism 中式人鬼神 / Zine

Trinity of Taoism 中式人鬼神 / Zine

A zine about the mixture of Chinese Mythology and Fashion.
