Marcux Brown's profile

high school portfolio

18x24 Inches
India Ink on Newsprint
I had accidentally ripped this to go into my destruction college and then I changed my mind.These are three gesture drawings I did on top of each other to save paper. I purposely taped it across the composed to make to piece less conventional and more dynamic, highlighting my bold and confident use of line.
Figures II
18x24 Inches
Charcoal on Newsprint
This is a selection of work that I had completed during a six week summer intensive precollege program at the Rhode Island School Of Design.
Sketches from My Notebook​​​​​​​
Marker Teachers & Students From Observation.
Nature Lab Collage
Left: Sketches 
Right: Final Product
Pen & Ink
This was an assignment during summer intensive at the Rhode Island School Of Design, where I took my observational drawings of skeleton bones and scanned them to create a collage. I abused the paper: ripping them and using scissors to create irregular edges as I thought it would complement my crude style of line.
Live On Washington

Previously, I was working as a media coordinator and doing art direction for Live On Washington, an annual youth curated music and art festival. These posters were to encourage bands to fill out applications to perform at the upcoming festival this summer. The link is directly connected to an Excel, recording the location and a link to their music to be viewed by the selection committee. Created these using TextEdit & Pages, as I didn't have Adobe Creative Suite.
Mental Health
400 TMAX
Silver Gelatin Print
I was inspired by Levy’s Bread, I took portraits of POC in a Poster campaign for Mental Health 
Awareness. People look towards television to find themselves. If television only shows white people to have mental health issues, those who aren’t represented will not go to seek help or treatment. In Minorities communities, Mental Health isn’t taken seriously leading to more incidents of self-harm or suicide.
 The Background text was created using the same light-sensitive paper for the photograph.I had printed out the text in reverse on 8 by 10copy paper and then placed it on top of the photo paper and exposed it to light creating a photogram of the text and then glued the portrait on top of that.
Double Negative
Silver Gelatin Print 
400 Tri-X 
This had happened accidentally when I had thought my camera had malfunctioned and I rolled back my film think that nothing had come up.
DC Metro
400 TMAX
Silver Gelatin Print
I was born in Washington D.C, even thoughI haven’t lived there in a while, it still holds sentimental value for me. Especially, the Metro.The brutalist tunnels going deep underground always reminded me of Sci-Fi movies. For this composition, I positioned myself between the walls of the tunnel and the escalator and shot people descending on it. I knew that shooting upwards would silhouette the people making them as subject less of a focal point because of the heavy contrast create a limited tonal range.
8 by 10
400 TMAX
Silver Gelatin Print
Living outside of Detroit it's hard not to notice the impacts of the auto industry. As an area that once was the epitome of the automotive world is now a shell of itself. When printing the picture in the darkroom, I flipped the negative so the words would appear backward. As in some areas, businesses flip their signs backward to tell customers that they are going out of business. This repair shop is still in business but how for long? As we're shifting away from car ownership and towards ridesharing, they are definitelystruggling in this new economy.
Hedonistic Throne (16" X 20" X 60") (Viewed From The Left)
I made this sculpture completely out of 500 Styrofoam 20oz cups during my time at Pre-College. This is a critique of the current culture in trap music. Artists use their drug use as a status symbol much like aristocracies and other royalty. But what had led to their imminent downfall was the same the drugs that are lifting them up. The drug I'm specifically talking about is Lean. Made from cough syrup served in a styrofoam double cup. The double cup's purpose is so the drink doesn't seep out through the pores of the cup through condensation. I took this into consideration when constructing the sculpture, the top and the bottom of each column are double cupped. By doing this, it was able to hold more weight and is actually functional as a chair. Styrofoam itself is an inadequate material and especially as a cup. It isn't able to be recycled and is not biodegradable. 
Anyone who chooses to use this cup is choosing to be Hedonistic as there are many alternatives.

Self Expression
735 by 489 Pixels
I captured my raw, unembellished likeness using a 35mm camera right after I had gotten out the shower, staring deadpan into the camera without corrective lenses in.Documenting my unaltered physical identity.This led me to want to juxtapose my physical presence with my digital presence. I downloaded all of my data from Instagram and choose an excerpt of it to present along with this. Deciding to stitch both of my identities into a GIF was motivated by the accessibility of the format, as it loops infinitely. I intentionally made both of them black and white to connect them both visually, even though they're on two separate planes. The raw data in the background is rapidly moving to mimic Instagram's feed of information as it's continuous, not static like a book. The information cannot be read, rather only abruptly looked at. The data is spaced to simulate jail bars, as my likeness is trapped within social media. I am a prisoner to the algorithm.
high school portfolio

high school portfolio

this my slideroom for the application process
