Keyi Gu's profile

Emotional Tea House (五味茶屋) Service Design

This project was based on the User Research Course in Jiangnan University in 2018.
Our group is made up of Ewin, Feifei and I, three girls from different cities where people share the same hobby--drinking tea.
Tea was originated from ancient China, and there is a legend telling that Shen Nong discovered tea by accident when the leaves fell into the boilng water and then gave out an pleasant smell.
 There were varies kinds of tea in China growing in varies conditions and people in different areas would have their special preferences.Accompanied with drinking behavior ,other interesting customs were developed by people such as watching Opera and setting tea reception. However, nowadays, people tend to drink tea less frequently and tea culture has less been taught and promoted among young generation.
Dueing to well understanding of the tea drinking culture ,we decided to look deeper into the drinking preference and other aspects connected to tea drinking behavior of the students and tried to find out a proper method to promote this valuable culture.

The researching process.( Including questionnaire inquiry \Field Research \User interviews\ Expert interviews.) 

As TEA HOUSE has become a space not only for tea lovers but also for those people who want to spend their time in , varies services has been provided  to catering to people's needs. Tea house service has become a complicated system that combining the entertainment ,catering, and even offer people chances to work in public spaces.
We investigated and compared 8 tea brands(or Tea houses) from their brands' visions(including the visual design and product design), service systems , marketing stratage, targeting groups .
User journey map 
We listed the user's routine from his accomadation to tea house \ his emotions  \ Pain points \ Opportunities
Emotional Tea House service system. 
We've been brainstorming and searching about brand new and interesting experiences for the students.
We 've been using story boards \ models and stop motion animation to simulate the service systems and express the concept of Emotional Tea House (五味茶屋)
Visual design
The menu for costumers.( Order tea with multi-flavor according to the Emotions)
The final video of the new service systems.
Emotional Tea House (五味茶屋) Service Design

Emotional Tea House (五味茶屋) Service Design
