In 1987, the American psychologist, Francine Shapiro, observed by chance that eye movements under certain conditions can reduce the intensity of disturbing thoughts. This was the beginning of the development of this therapeutic method that uses bilateral stimulation (visual, auditory or kinesthetic) to process traumatic memories, change self-limiting beliefs and desensitize emotions and negative sensations.

Today there are more than 50,000 therapists trained in the use of this therapeutic approach. In Spain, approximately 4000 therapists have been trained, of which more than 1200 associates are present on the EMDR Spain website
There is research done on the efficacy of EMDR to reduce Post Traumatic Stress, which shows the maintenance of the improvement of symptoms over time in comparison with other therapeutic interventions.
Brain Illustration

Brain Illustration

Dr Norman Goldwasser, over the course of his 30 years - career has provided his services to patients who struggle with trauma-related effects, us Read More


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