Conceptual Beverage Packaging

Morph Kombucha is a conceptual beverage packaging project, for a family business based in the USA. The concept of the project revolves around the evolution of a butterfly, and how it undergoes a ‘rebirth’. The name ‘Morph’ comes from the word ’metamorphosis’, which is also the term used to describe how a butterfly evolves. The concept was chosen based on the qualities of the kombucha drink – kombucha is known to have healing and revitalizing effects on the body, which matches the ‘rebirth’ concept.

The logo is a simple isometric shape that resembles a ‘Zen’ pattern. ‘Zen’ is the state of meditation or inner peace, which is exactly what the drinks aim to achieve. The illustrations, design, and colour palette are done to resemble an art nouveau style, in order to better emphasize the beauty of metamorphosis through the use of intricate lines, patterns, and complementary colours. The conceptual names describe the stage of the evolution, its effects, and the flavours of the drinks themselves. Each drink and its label is very distinct in colour, not only because they all have different effects on the body, but also because they represent the difference in each stage of metamorphosis.
These are the illustrations that appear on the labels of the bottles.
Morph Kombucha

Morph Kombucha

Morph Kombucha is a conceptual beverage packaging project that utilizes illustrative work to convey the message of the brand.
