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Keys, rings and Broken Things

Keys, rings and broken things 
By Nicci Muller 
All my friends are broken
All of them but me 
They all have serious problems 
That you could never see. 
All my friends have struggles 
And I am infinitely blessed
So tell me why am I so lucky, 
While all of them are stressed? 
How do I help these people? 
How do I help them heal? 
Should I keep my words soft, 
Or should I keep them real? 
I googled why I attract them
I googled what to do. 
I googled until I found that 
I might be broken too. 
So how do you help a person
Who’s broken in their core? 
Do you just give them advice
Or do you promise them more? 
All these people have different stress
And I am getting swept up in the mess. 
I want to help, I really do.. 
the thing is
I am broken too. 
All of us are broken 
All of us feel pain 
All of us want to help 
Without a personal gain 
So tell me how to help them
How to help my broken friends. 
How do I help them to just make 
Although I might be broken 
Although I might have issues
I’ll always be the one
Handing you the tissues 
You’ll always have my shoulder 
You’ll always have me there 
Even when we’re older 
All my love I’ll share 
I’ll have your back forever 
Your struggles we’ll face together. 
No matter how sad you are 
I will never be too far.  
I am here to stay, my friend. 
You can never chase me away
Keys, rings and Broken Things

Keys, rings and Broken Things

Inner musings around my relationships with the people in my life.


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