Laura Rocha's profile

"Some Things Change"

"Some Things Change"​​​​​​​
From the topics about the changes and constants in Design, in 'Some Things Change' by Chris Pullman, a serie of posters was made. A serie that shows the connection between the text and the image.

"Each of us inevitably brings to the task of designing 
a unique load of experience and bias, 
which can and should express itself in our work." ​​​​​​​

I chose to make a very simple approach, since Chris Pullman talks about the personal experience in Design; why not chose real designers?

In this serie we can see works by Stefan Sagmeister, Metahaven and Peter Saville. All with different approaches, the motive for all the different colors.

"Everything I do always comes back to me"
Stefan Sagmeister. #09 Manifest.
"Coherence in design today exists primarily in the recognition of large-scale incoherence"
Metahaven. White Night Before A Manifesto.
"Creativity has become part of the business of social manipulation"
Peter Saville. #01 Manifest.​​​​​​​

"Rhetoric is generally defined as the art
of persuasion (...) 
used to influence feelings and moods in the person to whom the message is addressed."

Gui Bonsiepe. Visual-Verbal Rhetoric. 1999.
"Some Things Change"

"Some Things Change"

Working with the sentence "Each of us inevitably brings to the task of designing a unique load of experience and bias, which can and should expre Read More
