Anne Malmmose's profileKlara Birgisdóttir's profile

Nature Manipulation

Nature Manipulation 
Our scenario is taking place in 2050 in Skåne, Sweden. The environment has changed due to climate changes. The water levels has risen and it’s warmer and colder than ever. With this in mind we have designed a multifunctional shoe collection which works in both high water levels, freezing winters and dry summers. People are very conscious about the environmental impact and living is more self-sufficient. Our collection is unisex and cross generational, so our personas can both use them. 

Agnes and Milton, our personas use their sparetime climbing and that’s where we took the inspiration of cords and climbing clips. The materials we have used are chosen from the surroundings of Skåne, and are handmade by craftmen from the local area. 

The knowledge about innovation and craftsmanship has given us a material palette that is made to be more sustainable; reusing and combining new and old.
The Shoe-pyramid shows the levels from three mild wild shoes in the bottom to an ekstreme wild shoe i the top of til pyramid. 
Shoe design process 
Colour and Material palette
Step by step
This project is made in collaboration with ecco shoes and with a fantastic designteam; Mads Vindelev, Klara Birgisdóttir, Camilla Søby, Sofie Sølvhøj, Katy Wilkinson, Linnea Hagborg and Anne Malmmose.  
Nature Manipulation

Nature Manipulation

shoe design in collaboration with ecco shoes
