WOW microsite
Intranet microsite design to support an internal marketing campaign
My client asked me to produce a microsite, based upon my previous design of their intranet, to help support an internal marketing campaign being set up to inform emplyees about their upcoming move to a new premises. Dubbed "WOW", the campaign covered details about the new building, desk layout, new facilities and IT provisions, as well as putting out guidelines for how working practices would change.

The site was built using HTML and CSS, with Javascript, based on a PHP Wordpress engine, and provided a central focus for information, supported by a poster campaign and a delivery of a small card filing box for each employee, allowing them to collect cards giving details about the changes in each aspect of working life, which were given out each week. HTML emails, also designed by myself, would announce the new cards, and guide people to updates on the microsite.
The front page of the site, showing the news feed. You can see an example photo of the WOW box, which was produced for each employee to store information cards in.
Each section included a donwloadable PDF poster, as well as PDF copies of the cards delivered to each employees' desk, detailing updates and changes to come.
A gallery of posters, available to download in PDF format, supported the poster campaigns that went up around the client's office, outlining the changes the new premises would bring.
Maps of the new premises, with colour-coded sections, display where departments within the firm will move to.
Example emails, sent every week, to keep employees updated on changes to the microsite.
WOW microsite

WOW microsite

Microsite design produced to present an internal marketing campagin by a client to infrom emplyees about their upcoming move to a new premises.
