Halah Radwan's profile

What Not to Put in Your Consulting Resume

What Not to Put in Your Consulting Resume
Are you an aspiring consultant? Whether you are looking for your very first consulting job or planning to shift to another one, the very first impression your potential employer will have of you will depend on your resume.
To make sure that you give the best impression you can to anyone who gets your consulting resume, make sure not to include the following:

High school information
Even if you had a stellar performance in high school, resist the urge to put it in your consulting resume. Instead of impressing any recruiter or potential employer, including this will only take up unnecessary space in your resume. What your potential employers want to see are your degrees and institutions, as well as your cumulative GPA and class ranking.

Typographical errors
Errors have no place in any resume, most especially in your consulting resume. Check for typographical errors after drafting your resume and check again after you’ve printed it or before you attach it to an email. If possible, have someone else look over it to make sure you didn’t miss anything.

Inadequate and inconsistent spacing
You do not want any part of your resume to look too text-y or crowded. This can make a potential employer not want to read through it. Remember that you don’t want anyone reading your consulting resume to skim through it; you want the person to go through it carefully to fully understand what you can offer. One way to do this is to use consistent and adequate spacing between paragraphs and sections.

Insignificant awards and recognitions
Prioritize any nationally-recognized awards and recognitions, followed by those that are most significant and directly related to the consulting field. If there were anything beyond these that you want to include, make sure to explain the importance of the award.

What Not to Put in Your Consulting Resume

What Not to Put in Your Consulting Resume
