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"Witness Uganda" Event Branding

Witness Uganda
A Docu-musical on the Complexities of Caring

This event is the fourth biennial Ambassador Chris Stevens Lecture that Pacific Lutheran University hosts in remembrance of the ambassador's vocation for public service and care. Departing from a lecture format, the event features a concert version of selections from the award-winning docu-musical Witness Uganda, written and composed by former Peace Corps volunteer, Matt Gould, and actor and co-founder of the UgandaProjectGriffin Matthews.
Witness Uganda on the PLU homescreen slider
A promotional video I created using clips from Griffin and Matt for distribution around campus 
Hailed as “a joyous, wrenching experience drawn from life,” Witness Uganda poignantly explores the challenges and pitfalls of doing humanitarian work inviting the audience to reflect critically on service, leadership and care in both global and local contexts.
Livestream page for the event
"Witness Uganda" Event Branding

"Witness Uganda" Event Branding
