Educational Toolkit - Youtopia

Educational Toolkit - Youtopia
University based project - 2018
The brief of this project required the creation of an educational activity toolkit for children aged 8-12, that focuses on the principles of design as a point of departure to nurture children's creative problem-solving skills.

Youtopia took the approach of teaching children the design principle of balance through the virtue of respect. The brand uses the acronym Y.O.U. to focus on three different aspects of respect: respecting Yourself, respecting Others, and respecting Us (implying the immediate environment). These three themes would take on three different activities in the toolkit. 

The colour of the toolkit takes on a rainbow aesthetic to have maximum appeal to children. The logo’s shape is symbolic of the three areas of respect one needs to nurture, and how each one affects the next so as to encourage balance between all three. Youtopia is designed with ease of use and simplicity in mind, to be used by children either amongst themselves or with parents and/or other facilitators (such as teachers/play therapists).
Educational Toolkit - Youtopia

Educational Toolkit - Youtopia

The brief of this project required the creation of an educational activity toolkit for children aged 8-12, that focuses on the principles of desi Read More
