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Best Bark Collar for Small Dogs

PetSafe Citronella Bark Collar

The PetSafe Citronella bark collar, the second product on the list, sprays the smell of citronella whenever your dog barks. Since dogs do not like the citrus-smelling liquid, they will begin to correlate barking with the bad smell.

However, the product’s spray can be substituted for one with no fragrance and it will still work accordingly as your dog will correlate barking with the annoyance of being gently sprayed in the face.

This product provides a water-resistant collar, a spray can with 300-400 uses, and a 6-volt battery while remaining the second most affordable of the bunch. It is also designed for dogs over 6 pounds with necks up to 24″, which makes it a great choice for small dogs.

One reviewer was pleased by her results as her dog quickly grasped that in order to stop being sprayed gently in the face he would need to stop barking. It only took him two barks to figure it out.

Another reviewer said that while she loved the product, it was most certainly for dogs who occasionally bark. Since she has a “serial barker”, he is much more stubborn and the product did not phase him. So, for more stubborn dogs you should probably go with a different collar.

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Best Bark Collar for Small Dogs

Best Bark Collar for Small Dogs
