Rose Padilla Johnson | San Leandro's profile

Encouraging School Readiness Skills in Preschoolers

Under the leadership of Rose Padilla Johnson, the Davis Street Community Center has become one of the leading community-focused nonprofit organizations in the San Leandro area. Following Rose Padilla Johnson’s innovative one-stop-shop model, the community center dispenses medical and childcare services at a central location to more than 15,000 San Leandro residents. The organization’s five childcare centers follow a stimulating curriculum that helps preschool children develop school readiness skills.

School readiness encompasses a range of emotional, cognitive, and academic skills that young children must develop to be successful in kindergarten. Some of the most important things that ease the transition into a classroom environment are social skills and self-regulation.

When entering kindergarten, children must be able to communicate clearly with their peers, be flexible during interactions, and make compromises. Parents can support their child’s social skills development by playing age-appropriate games and arranging playdates with similarly aged children.

Additionally, kindergartners are often asked to switch tasks and follow directions. Children who can manage their emotions, energy level, and behavior during these changes have a more enjoyable experience in the classroom. While these skills are further refined in kindergarten, parents can help by enforcing simple rules at home and praising their children when they demonstrate self-control.
Encouraging School Readiness Skills in Preschoolers

Encouraging School Readiness Skills in Preschoolers
