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MIES container graphic design award

'MIES container' is a fusion restaurant by using a industrial concept with container. Our posters and applications in '2011 MIES container graphic design award' are multiply designed by using our own existing concept, the container. The poster is made of hundreds of container elevation. It involved a deep meaning. All containers in poster have uniform size and shape, but they have got so many different colors and brands. We wanted to tell you about designer's various storys and creative thinkings. In application, it is also designed with container elevation. And the certificate of award is a print-media which has the distinctive feature of container elevation by pressing a figure in intaglio.
2011 MIES container graphic design award 

Art Direction & Design: Yerok Ahn
Designer: Yerok Ahn, Yongmin Jo
MIES container graphic design award

MIES container graphic design award

'MIES container' is a fusion restaurant by using a industrial concept with container. Our posters and applications in '2011 MIES container graphi Read More
