Anahid Attaran's profile

Small Games - Art, Game design, Narration

Small school projects - Winter 2018-spring 2019
They Are Destroying the Earth Again was made during Nordic Game Jam 2019 and won Sybo Impact award.
The game is about how humans are constantly doing stuff that is harmful for the earth and rising the temperature. Player should tap on the factories/oil platforms that appear on earth to destroy and protect earth from global warming, but as the years pass they increase logarithmic and there will be no way to save earth. The goal is to try to see how many years you can help mother earth stay alive.
Destroying earth was made by 7 people in 2D & 3D.

I was in charge of Game Design and all 2D Arts for the game.   

Go Nutz was a week long project in first semester of KADK.
The game is a local multiplayer game which each team should try grab collect more nuts and win.

In this project I worked as Character Designer and 2D Animator.

Nature's Grace was a week long project in KADK with the subject of emotional abstraction.
The game was about the ghost of a mother bear, shot by a hunter, looking for her cub which she tried to protect from hunter by taking the bullet. The player will search trough the forest to find hints (evidences and memories) that eventually lead them to find the cub.

I worked on Narration, Particle effects and some parts of programming for this game.
Small Games - Art, Game design, Narration

Small Games - Art, Game design, Narration
