Literature Artwork
These pieces are inspired by various poems, songs, or other writings. Each of them employs slightly different styles and color schemes, depending on the mood that the writings themselves triggered inside me.
You can find prints with these designs at my store.
The road not taken - based on Robert Frost's poem that has the same name.
Ozymandias and the Urn - it is based on 2 poems - Ozymandias and Ode to an ancient urn. It conveys the irony that most tyrants end up facing. In their desperate attempt to be remembered forever, they build great cities and sites. But, more often than not, it is not the buildings that survive the test of time, but rather the pottery and artwork created by your everyday artist. Ironically, it is their work that remains to tell the tale for millennia to come, not the temples of the Pharaohs.
A portrait of Durin wearing his crown. Inspired from the Song of Durin.
Durin and the Seven Stars - also inspired from the Song of Durin, it represents one of the first important scenes in Durin's life - when he sees the foretelling of the 7 Dwarven holds.
Literature Artwork

Literature Artwork

These pieces are all inspired from various literature pieces - poems, songs and other written work.
