A Lasting Impression
Crisp and Clean

The Soap Island provides its clients private labeling solutions, bespoke favors (custom orders for gifts and giveaways), and wholesale/retail services. The owners have a flair for the minimal, economical, and rustic feel; these three characters became my inspiration for creating their logo, business card, catalogue, product packaging, and etc.

We Provide Solutions

Here are some proposed corporate identity studies I designed for a company creating its first product: an inspection device that scans tubes and pipes for defects using the latest technology.

They want to be recognized for their innovative products and to be known as an organization that promises to provide solutions where no solutions exist. I use consistent elements to communicate the brand's promise for a lasting impression.

Ahead of the Pack

Above is a poster study I made for Hawk, a brand famous in the apparel industry for crafting sleek, functional bags made of high quality materials for the active urban lifestyle.

Modern Conscious Beauty

Inspired by age-old beauty rituals, V&M Naturals (a topic in my Promotional Videos project) is all about giving back to the earth and its people by formulating skincare that is guaranteed to deliver using only the finest and premium ingredients derived from nature.

Like their products, their au naturel, minimal (containing only the bare essentials), and classy visual identity had stood the test of time. I get inspiration from the combination of these elements while developing various marketing collaterals that speak for their brand.

The following are some snaps from my DIY product photography stint for V&M Naturals.

-C.M. Colina

A Lasting Impression

A Lasting Impression

Visual and Corporate Identity, Digital and Print Media Advertising, Product Photography
