Parsnip asked me to create four icons and three illustrations for their website and packaging. They asked for them to all be a similar "hand drawn" style. I first created these designs using Adobe Draw on an iPad, but after a revision session with the client, I realized they wanted a more refined "hand drawn" style that Adobe Illustrator could provide. I used Illustrator to complete my revisions, and gave the client the final product they used on their website for the "How it Works" section. This was one of my first graphic design projects, and unfortunately all the iterations were deleted off my old computer, but the final product can be seen below!
"Get New Ingredients"
"Pick a Recipe"
"Do Your Cooking Magic"
"Share Your Creation"
"Imagine and Discover New Ingredients"
"Cooking Experience"


I was a part of a graphic design firm on Northwestern's campus called DesignWorks. One of the clients I worked with was a food delivery service c Read More
