James Hoenig's profile

Laneways with Lucy App

Laneways with Lucy
As part of a 3 person team for a university assignment, we were tasked with creating an app based around a location or multiple locations within the Melbourne CBD.

Previously in the semester, we were required to make a presentation of your own idea, which we could choose from when we are put into groups. 
We were then put into groups and we were all given a particular job, as part of the production of the app. I was given the programming job. My other two group members Katerina Ilievski and Yingyi Su were responsible for the creation of audio and graphics based on my original proposal and wireframing. We decided to make the project an app for Android as we could use the program "Processing," as it was what we were learning how to use in class.

Originally we wanted to use GPS location to trigger audio and graphical elements within the app. But throughout testing, we discovered that the buildings were causing the GPS tracking to not work. 
An example of my code with GPS triggers
Due to the issues with GPS, we moved to user triggered events with buttons within the app.
Example of a page on the tour
The design of all the pages in the app
Examples of my code with the on screen buttons
Laneways with Lucy App

Laneways with Lucy App

An app where little girl takes you on a tour of her favourite places around Melbourne
