Care Neuro's profile

A Leading Neurologist in Ahmedabad – Care Neuro Clinic

A Leading Neurologist in Ahmedabad – Care Neuro Clinic 

The Department of Neurology at Care Neuro Clinic offers patients, a standout amongst the most experienced and complete group of Neurologist in Ahmedabad, neurosurgeons, neuro-anesthetists, neuro-recovery (physiotherapists), neuro-radiologists and neuro-attendants to give quiet engaged, world-class restorative consideration for the whole range of neurological maladies. Our group with a joined affair of 30 years has conveyed in excess of 40,000 medical procedures effectively till date. The Department of Neurology teams up with specialists of different pros to give you extensive consideration and treatment.

What makes Care Neuro Clinic not the same as other medicinal focuses?

The division of Neurology at Care Neuro Clinic coordinates humane consideration with cutting edge innovations. Our master sub-claim to fame care is supported by the most recent medicinal innovation, from an actual existence sparing intercession for intense cerebrum injury to apt administration of endless ailments of the sensory system.

Very particular group approach

We trust that the best outcomes come from thorough neurological consideration, including a group of specialists from numerous territories of nervous system science. In this manner, our group comprises of exceptionally prepared work force in managing expulsion of mind tumors, treatment of different neurovascular infections, injury and other complex conditions requiring careful intercession. Neurologist in Ahmedabad likewise always during the time spent creating promising conventions for neurological ailments that are generally to a great degree hard to treat with customary treatments.

Claim to fame outpatient offices

We give three projects in claim to fame outpatient offices which incorporate the accompanying:

• Epilepsy extensive program includes managing stroke, development issue, cerebral pain, vertigo and neuromuscular issue. We likewise give administrations to pediatric consideration and epilepsy which is one of a kind to Care Neuro Clinic.

• Clinical neurophysiology program incorporates epilepsy checking that is completed in both ways, present moment and long haul. Alongside this, we likewise complete electroencephalography, electroneuromyography and botox for migraine, development issue and cerebral paralysis.

• Intra-agent neuroelectrophysiology includes electrocorticogarphy, cortical incitement, and obtrusive subdural and profundity anode situation for recalcitrant epilepsy.

Neuro-escalated care

Our neuro-escalated care program is a multidisciplinary program devoted to treating patients with the most extreme and intense neurological ailment. Our qualified group of basic consideration experts furnishes treatment for patients with intracranial drain, subarachnoid discharge (SAV), cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT).

Neuro-Rehabilitation group at Neurologist in Ahmedabad assumes a key job in giving master restoration and the executives administrations for patients with neurological conditions. We will likely offer our patients with proficient and far reaching neurological restoration that will empower them to live as autonomously as could be allowed.

Care Neuro Clinic is home to one of the nation’s driving nervous system science programs, with a specialist group of master who offer the most recent neurological consideration, including tests, medicines and recovery.
A Leading Neurologist in Ahmedabad – Care Neuro Clinic

A Leading Neurologist in Ahmedabad – Care Neuro Clinic


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