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Meter Down App Design

An app to calculate total fare while travelling in an Auto in Delhi
Along with a feedback system to address cases of overcharging or mistreatment directly to the transport authorities. Also contains a section of rate card with scope of expanding to other metropolis  
Sign in -> Forgot password? -> OTP verification -> Set New Password
Main Function
Home Page (fill out 'from:' and 'to:' -> Get Estimate -> Start Meter -> Meter stops when ride completes (can be stopped manually too) -> End Trip/Complaint
Autowalah refuses to go by meter? That's where the main function of this app activates.
Home Page -> Navigation Menu -> Rate Card (Day/Night)
Complaint Section
Complaint -> Report overcharge -> Choose option and submit -> Enter Details to file complaint
This is done to report all small and big cases of overcharging directly to the authorities. 

Often the complaints of overcharging never reaches the authorities mainly because:- 
1. The rider is unaware that a complaint can be filed
2. The rider feels the process of filing complaint is too complex or time taking
3. The rider feels he cant complaint as he got in a mutual agreement of fare with the auto driver (In reality, one can complaint the case of overcharging even if he has agreed on overcharged fare)

Hence this section streamlines the process of complaining and makes it easy for the the user.
Report abuse 
(can be done through end trip/navigation/receipt sections of the app)
An immediate response section of the app made to immediately call the concerned authorities upon given case of offences committed by the auto driver during the trip.
How to Sign Up
The Back End
How I got to this App?

This project started as an epilogue to project 1 that began in 2nd semester of my M.Des in NIFT DE. The objective given to us was clear: Pick the main theme derived from Project 1 work and imply that in Project 2 to come up with a viable product. The area picked up by me during the project 1 subject of semester 2 was Graphic Design. In graphic design, research was further narrowed to study graphic design of Airline Industry and find out its room of improvement. Hence, the main theme picked up by which served as the vision and main objective of Project 2 was: To find out how graphic design can be used to enhance the overall user experience of a daily commuter and use the knowledge gained to design a product that can be applied in real time.

Coming up with the Idea
The initial phase started with brainstorming on different aspects of daily commuting..
Afterward secondary research began, delving into those aspects put up through brainstorming. Additional guidance was given by my mentor Prof. Shalini Sud to look into three major areas: Driving, Auto-rickshaw rides, and Metro journey.

The idea was to find gaps through listening to stories made in the metro; love stories, stories of daily lifestyle, what people do to pass time, etc. Few small gaps were found like introducing a conversational interface on AFC gates to assist visually impaired persons, payment for food via metro card only or making a strong online presence on Twitter. However, the small gaps found in between the commutes of Delhi Metro were somewhat inadequate to capitalize on. A big gap was needed.
“How do you get to the metro?” The answer was varied; through DTC bus, feeder bus, shared auto, auto rickshaws and cabs. The glaring gap was found that while metro forms the core of daily commute through world-class facilities and systems, it fails to provide last mile connectivity in many areas. Upon delving more into last mile connectivity, two possible scopes of improvement were seen:-
- To design a detailed map interface for DTC bus routes and Feeder routes
- To design an app which can serve as a meter when traveling in an auto
Out of these two, the second idea was chosen as the first idea was already getting implemented by transport department by that time.

Defining the Idea
Several problems were found w.r.t the auto meter upon secondary research. Firstly, the problem of Auto-wallahs not going by the meter is a widespread problem. This was later confirmed by primary research by spending a full day at the auto parking near Green Park Metro Station.
Following pressure points were found upon observation and interview with auto-wallahs and customers:-
- The problem of not going by meter adds to the resent and people choose to wait for the cab and even pay extra
- The auto not going by meter becomes unavoidable in the railway station where people often carry heavy luggage and cannot go through metro and in late night when metro is closed
- The Auto also feels comparatively unsafe than cabs where the driver is not held accountable in a system
- Some Auto-wallahs even pick up fights when bargained by the traveler
- Differentiation on marauders and stagnant type of auto-wallahs were found
- A covert mafia was also suspected upon inquisition where auto-wallahs hog a single place to get more customers and do not allow other auto-wallahs to come, aside from not going by meter
- At least 80% auto-wallahs either refused to go by a meter or made the excuse of the meter being broken
- In conclusion, It was found that there are several auto-wallahs who not only don’t go by meter but also prevent other auto-wallahs to go by meter.

Working on the Idea
Firstly, a simple flow diagram was made to map out the basic functioning of the app:-
- Get in auto
- Note the number and extra luggage included
- Start the meter
- Stop the meter at the trip end
- Know the difference if overcharged and a bargain if possible
- In case of non-compliance, red mark the auto
- Red mark gets submitted to a concerned authority
Hence, the concerned (in this case, transport authority) will have tangible and measurable data by the commuter themselves to look into and act upon the auto mafia.
Secondly, based on this functioning wire-frames were first hand drawn.
Thirdly, the color was decided with Vivid Yellow as the primary color and shades of black to complement it. The color was chosen with future expansion to other metropolis kept in mind.
Finally, the digital version was made as the prototype.
Meter Down App Design

Meter Down App Design
