Science, Art, Nature
“Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better” Albert Einstein. Science, Nature, Art is a short film designed to provoke thought, about how closely our anatomy is related to the natural world around us. The aim is for the audience to consider how science is closely linked to nature and to consider also, how the advancement of science is affecting nature. The film uses images of Neurones, provided by Paul Andrews (National Phenotypic Screening centre) over film of trees. As trees and Neurones have a similar structure to each other visually, as well as trees being an integral part of nature, just as neurones are an integral part of what makes us tick, it seems the perfect comparison to make the link between the two. The film is accompanied by soft calming music that allows the viewer to focus on the film and the better visualise the links between how the structures look.
Science, Art, Nature

Science, Art, Nature

Work produced for a university module
