SRI ASIH (REMAKE / ver.2.0)

Original female superheroes from Indonesia have extraordinary strength and no less great than Wonder Woman from DC. In fact, Sri Asrih can be called "Wonder Woman from Indonesia". Nani Wijaya is an innocent girl who when she pronounces the magic word "Dewi Asih" then she will turn into a female super hero who can fly, be invulnerable, super powerful, can multiply, and enlarge her body.

Although inspired by a female superhero from the United States, Wonder Woman, but Sri Asih has a far different appearance from the character created by William Moulton Maurston. Sri Asih is the answer to Mr. Kosasih's desire to create a hero character who is not only able to educate through his polite and friendly behavior, but also has an appearance that is in accordance with Indonesian culture.

This super srikandi uses kain kebaya clothing, complete with crowns, sumping cloths and scarves. Reminds us of the characters in Indonesian puppet stories.


not only DC & MARVEL who have cool superheroes. Coming from Indonesia, the super female character present, the influence of the famous female sup Read More
