María Sabina.

María Sabina was born in Oaxaca in 1894. She is considered Mexico's most famous 'chamán' and healer. Faithful believer of the 'holy children', the hallucinogenic mushrooms.

This project was inspired by her and her beliefs, the holy children. Designed for La Tlapalería's "Dogma Sin Fe" to be exhibited in Design Week Mexico 2016 at Museo Tamayo as part of Inédito. 

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"Mujer de espacio soy. Mujer de día soy. Mujer de luz soy."

"Woman of space I am. Woman of day I am. Woman of light I am."
- María Sabina
The dogma represents the absolute truth, the reality. This absolute truth is reflected in the mirror, without alterations, as we are. The stainless steel gives us the dogma.

Maria firmly believed in the power of the hallucinogenic mushrooms. They made her feel and look different. The hallucination that they gave to Sabina is represented in the hammered copper.
Photography: Santiago Vega
maría sabina.

maría sabina.

'Dogma Sin Fe' from La Tlapaleria, is a collection exhibited in Mexico Design Week 2016. Taking Mexico's deepest and darkest traditions as inspi Read More
