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The Yo-yo Dojo - Instructional Video

The Yo-yo Dojo
An Instructional Video
This is the final version of the instructional video.
This project involved designing a video with the goal of teaching the basics of how to use a yo-yo. The target audience for the resulting video are people who are interested in learning how to yo-yo, and those who also have a love for goofy humor. Age-wise, the video targets a younger demographic with its use of an over the top presenter and easy to comprehend language. After viewing the video, anyone should be able to pick up a yo-yo and use it with confidence.
This image depicts one aspect of the preproduction phase of the project. Analyzing the script, the stage setup was planned to maximize the instructional value of each shot.
With each scene planned, a series of images were captured to ensure the camera angles would adequately capture the instruction. It would be easier to make adjustments at this stage before the actual footage was captured.
Here, a single frame from the storyboard can be seen. The storyboard combined the script, scene outline, and camera angle photos. Also included are timing estimations and learning outcomes. At this point, the project was fairly well planned and footage was ready to be shot.
This is the initial rough cut of the video. The storyboard was used to guide the production, but minor tweaks were adopted where necessary. As the name implies, the rough cut is very rough. Lighting and sound quality still need work, and some of the character elements distract too much from the instruction.
This is the intermediate cut of the video. At this point, the script was further refined to focus more on the instructional aspects of the video. Lighting was also adjusted to fill the scene in a more natural way. The sound still needed to be cleaned up and some of the script changes caused a need for camera angle adjustments.
The Yo-yo Dojo - Instructional Video

The Yo-yo Dojo - Instructional Video

This project is an instructional video that educates viewers on the basics of yo-yo use. It. was designed with a younger audience in mind, but mi Read More
