Madison Garlock's profile

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Stickers

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Stickers
I created stickers inspired by the movie, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. My process started with brainstorming different messages I wanted to convey that inspire me. After much thought I realized one of favorite movies, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty conveyed some of the messages that inspire me most in life. 

The sketching processes helped me work out the details of my stickers. The hardest part was getting the body of Walter Mitty to be proportionate and look like he is running. 

First Draft
This is my first draft on Adobe Illustrator. I chose to do the running Walter Mitty because I feel like it communicates transformation and adventure. Second, I chose to do the snow leopard eye and the words "beautiful things don't ask for attention." This part of the movie is so impactful and the quote is one of my favorites. Lastly, I chose the clementine cake because throughout the movie the cake is used to symbolize peace and love. 

I felt like the Walter Mitty was off to a good start. However, the thin black outline looked unprofessional and unfinished. Also, the body was lacking hands, a brief case and depth. 

The leopard eye and the words in my second sticker did not feel very cohesive and the it seemed liked too much text. 

The clementine cake looks a little flat. 

Second Draft
In my second draft I decided to make the leopard's eye and the side of the face. On the leopard's eye instead of doing one solid color I made it a gradient green, because as I looked at pictures of snow leopards the eyes seemed to be really intense and fade from a deep color to a lighter color. 

Final Draft
I am pretty excited about how these stickers turned out! 

First, with the Walter Mitty character I used half tones to create shadows and creases in the jacket. Also, I am happy with the anatomy of the person, it feels proportionate and accurate. For the brief case, I used the blending mode to make create depth and highlights. 

Second, with the snow leopard half face and quote, I figured out a lot with this sticker. At first I was struggling to get the text to align with the circle. Then I learned that you can get text to write on a path. I made a circle inside of the green outline and typed the quote, "Beautiful things don't ask for attention." Also, I noticed on my reference images that the spots transferred from a really dark spot of fur to a lighter spot. In order to create this effect I used the blending mode. This makes the spots look less intense and more realistic. 

Lastly, the clementine cake. This one was the hardest to get into perspective because it is so many ellipsis. I angled the oranges and squished them a little to make it feel like it was more slanted. With the frosting, I used the blending mode to create a more rounded edge instead of such an abrupt edge . 

Also, I added the glacier background photo to show how my stickers will look on other objects. The pink outline on each of the stickers is the die cut edge for when I take them to be printed. 
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Stickers

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Stickers
