Art Van D'lay's profile

Contrapasso (2018)

Contrapasso - Final Render (2018)
This is a re-mix I threw together from a number of old odds and ends, along with a couple of newer assets from an as yet unfinished piece.

And therein is one of the mighty benefits of working within ZBrush; all of my assets can be re-purposed, placed in new contexts, repainted, etc., to expand upon my ever growing Van D'lay universe of wackadoodles.
Contrapasso - Alternate Render (2018)
As often happens, this piece has found its title after the fact. Rather than plan out my concepts up front, I prefer to just play, combine elements, discard, revise, rinse and repeat... charting a course pretty much on the fly based on what I see unfolding. It's the funnest way to work that I've found, and I often prefer the results in the end to pieces planned out in advance.

In any case, it's become an homage to Dante's Inferno (a ripping good yarn and virtual treasure trove of monster art inspiration). The title refers to the central concept that the sinner's sin is reflected in their own particular punishment. It's a hell of one's own design, so to speak - and as I am in fact the designer of this one, it may or may not have relevance to the one that's waiting for you.

Not that I believe in hell, or karma, or divine retribution as such; but if there be such a place, I'd like to think that a) it's got an ironic sense of humor, and b) my personal version of it will at least be aesthetically pleasing.
Contrapasso - Without Background (2018)
This sculpt is on loan from Bad Karma, completed in 2015.  The paint job however is brand spanking new.  

Just trying to beef up the e-vil.
Contrapasso - 1st Iteration (2018)
I was always pretty partial to this sculpt in the larger context of Bad Karma, but never bothered to work up an attractive stand alone render.  Goes to show how each individual element of the larger concept pieces have potential to stand on their own.
Contrapasso - 2nd Iteration (2018)
Probably worth mentioning that there were several other iterations en route to the final render.  No need to post them all here; others were abandoned for good reason.
Contrapasso - 3rd Iteration (2018)
Tiki torches are on loan here from an as yet unfinished piece.  Will you ever see it?  Who knows.  They don't all see the light of day. 
Contrapasso (Red) - without Background - from Bad Karma (2015)
Can't see it from this angle, but this brain eating son of a bitch has no skull on the back of his head.  He does have a zipper, but prefers to walk around with his monkey meat fully exposed. 
Smoking Candy Skull - from Bad Karma (2015)
Happy as a clam.  And if you were smokin' what he is smokin', you likely would be too.
Contrapasso - Turnaround Video (2018)
Turn for me, you ever changing face of my personal hell.
Contrapasso (2018)

Contrapasso (2018)

Sculpted, polypainted and rendered in ZBrush. Layers comped in Photoshop.
