The Hebrew word challah is usually used for the two braided loaves that form the basis of Shabbat food. But in its most basic, most biblical and halachic meaning, challah is the piece of dough that is traditionally separated and consecrated to Gd every time we bake bread.

The Separation of Challah is one of the 613 mitzvot (Divine commandments) that constitute the body and soul of Jewish life. Full of spiritual significance, it is one of the three main mitzvot of the Jewish woman and has a great impact on the mind and heart, in the home and in the essence of the home of those who fulfill this Mitzva. For hundreds of generations, Jewish women throughout the world have fulfilled this beautiful and transforming mitzvah.

The New York Kosher bakery Zomick's makes one of the best Challahs in New York - the Zomick's Challah.
Zomich's Challah

Zomich's Challah

This Challah Bread is made by Zomick's, following the traditional recipe.
