Inktober is a challenge that was created in 2009 by Jake Parker. It consists in doing an ink drawing every day the entire month of october. There's also an official list of prompts that one can use as an inspiration. However I decided that this year I would exclusively draw pictures from vines, instead of just using the prompts. It was actually a good idea because it made me work with different angles, facial expressions, lightnings, low quality references, and I had to find the perfect frame to resume a few seconds in one image. I also quite like the way I incorporated writing into those drawings.
Usually I never finish inktober because of the lack of time and motivation, but this year I actually finished it. Here's a best of. Let me know what you think!

(days 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 31)
ballpoint pen on paper.
Thanks for watching!
inktober (vine)

inktober (vine)
