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Yomega ProSpeed Package Redesign

Yomega ProSpeed Packaging Redesign

This project was done for my Year Three Packaging Design course at Vancouver Island University.
This project’s primary goal was to create a more environmentally friendly package for the an existing product, in my case, the Yomega ProSpeed Yo-yo. This product is marketed towards children (8-15), so while the redesign should have less of an environmental impact, the design doesn’t need to call attention to this fact.

In order to cut down on waste, the package was created entirely from recyclable cardstock without the use of any plastics.

I wanted the package design to put emphasis on the yo-yo itself. I achieved this by having the package only cover the top half of the yo-yo and by primarily using only white and black. All of Yomega’s yo-yos have a “skill meter” on them, and use the typeface ‘Serpentine Sans.’ I decided to use the “skill meter” and the same typeface so that the redesigned package would still fit in with the rest of Yomega’s line up.
The package was designed to be hung, and not take up too much shelf space, as many toy shops where this product will be displayed don’t have a lot of real estate. This was accomplished by having the yo-yo held up by a strip of cardstock (which is also the hang-tag).

The final deliverable was a 3D prototype. The final design could easily be reworked and used for other yo-yos in Yomega’s line-up.
This project was done as part of a University class and is in no way affiliated, or made in coordination with Yomega. The Yomega logo and ProSpeed name belong in full to Yomega.
Yomega ProSpeed Package Redesign

Yomega ProSpeed Package Redesign

This project was done for my Year Three Packaging Design course. The primary goal was to create a more environmentally friendly package design fo Read More
