-Work in progress-
This project is the search for an aesthetic that can show the theme of alienation with a series of images. The alienation that I try to represent is not, for example, that tremendous post-traumatic phase that can afflict a military man who returns from a war lived in the first person, or what a person with autism can live. The alienation that I want to represent is that certainly not less intense, lived by people who live in another country for a long period of time. I focused on my Italian compatriots, and the city in question is Berlin, Germany. Here there are not the causes of the journey that led them to live far from home, in fact, the concern that I want to investigate is the aspect of isolation of those who live in a society which is not fully understood. In moments of intimacy and deeper personal reflection, I imagine that these people reflecting on their present. On the challenges and issues that needs to be faced day after day, to continue living every day in a complex system because it is not completely understood. Living in Germany has different complexities, from language to bureaucracy, from work to personal development. From interpersonal relationships to creating new friendships or trying to keep relationships at a distance. This idea was born from my personal experience, being an expat and living in Germany for about 3 years, very often I felt on my skin the experience of being an alien in an alien land. I wanted to ask a question to the other Italians and see if they are living a similar experience, asking them to reflect on what it is for them to be an alien. At the same time, I immortalize their image, contextualized within their walls as a meaning of a free space, a safe zone created by them, including their known objects, which could also give the idea of an even more internal/external contrast.

Marta A.
Alex G.
Tai B.
Antonio D.
Pasquale M.
Andrea B.
Alice M.
Pierluigi D.


A photographic project that describes the concept of alienation for Italian people living in Berlin.


Creative Fields