Feijiao Huo's profile

Architectural Projection

Rendering with marker.
Quick sketch with pastels.
Mapping of lightness.
mapping of lightness. "z" value.
documentation of dimensions and location.
mapping onto the objects.
mapping onto the objects. top view.
my measuring tool, a compass
measuring tool geometry analysis
vertical section with my measuring tool
vertical section drew with CATIA 
vertical section drew with CATIA 
vertical section, zoomed detail of the tool movement
vertical section marker drawing
horizontal section drew with CATIA 
horizontal section, the tool movement, drew with CATIA 
horizontal section marker drawing
mapping of curvature, grasshopper definition
the mapping of curvature
surface random offset grasshopper definition
mapping of curvature + random offset ideas
some sort of diagram
CAD, catia aided drawing
major sections
Computerized Numerical Control
positive junction
negative junction
Architectural Projection

Architectural Projection

Architectural drawing course assignments.
