Guido Gonzalez's profile

Inspired by boredom

Sometimes I just don't know what to do with certain images. As a photographer, I am always saving some part of the work that's not published, 'cause you never know when you'll be bored enough to decide to create something out of them. It all started just like that, oh, and when I had no wifi for a whole month. I could not access to the internet and the time I spent at home became really weird 'cause all I used to do was, you know, Internet. Stuff. I had to do something else and then I suddenly became really inspired by... nothing? It was strange to me, 'cause I used to find inspiration on the internet, but this time that was not an available option. Everything out in the world is always inspiring me too, but inside my home, looking at these four white walls was definitely not inspiring at all. Was it? Thing is, I went through my files and stuff and just started creating.
Adobe Photoshop has always been my best friend, I was less than 15 years old when I started using it and it's really helpful when it comes to expressing myself the way I do, Photography I mean. So I started creating new worlds and changing the meaning of some things, just to say something else, different than what it already says. 
Here's a bit of those. And if I'm ever having those weird inspiring moments outta nowhere again and do something like this, I'll sure add it. Oh! Down there are some before and after for you to see how these were made.
Thank you.
These (above) were made from a part of the exhibition called General Idea in Malba Museum in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tese were made from "Fin de siècle" a part of the exhibition called General Idea in Malba Museum in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
These were made from a part of the exhibition called General Idea in Malba Museum in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Some step by step gifs
Inspired by boredom

Inspired by boredom
