Mechatronics system, planning system for hotels.

Central board in the storage place where every room in the hotel is represented by a box.
The boxes are arranged according to the floor plan of the hotel.

The light in each box can have 3 different colours, according to the status of the room or the preferences of the guests: red for do not disturb, green for clean please or yellow for a room where the guests are checking out.

Every room has also a box, next to the door, with 3 push buttons. Here the guest sets its preferences: do not disturb, clean please or we are checking out.

The cleaning team make their planning according to these lights.
When a room is cleaned, the light in the box is reset by pushing the button. 
The boxes in the rooms are interacting with the boxes in the storage place via the wifi network.


Interactive planning system for the cleaning service in hotels
