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Medical ALert For Active Seniors

The old Life Alert systems based on fear, insecurity and death are slowly being replaced by wearable tech. 

Traditional medical alert systems which offered a help button, GPS, fall detection through a combination of pendents and or wrist based buttons. The design was old looking, but effective. However, it's conspicuousness caused many older adults to abandon its use.

Most recently, many new smartwatch based medical alert systems have entered the market at a unparalleled clip, lead by none other than Apple and Samsung.

So what does this mean for consumers? Well seeing as 75 is the new 65, there are many more older adults who are active. Gone are the cane walking silver heads, in are the biking, swimming, jogging Boomers.

Many have cut the chord, are fully integrated in the smartphone revolution and want the latest and greatest.

Nor do they want to be stigmatized by wearing a bulky, conspicuous medical alert system around their neck and getting labeled as old, frail and vulnerable. This group of active seniors wants a wearable that will measure their heart rate, pulse, offer fall detection and tell the time in a nice sleak smartwatch design.

These new smartwatch medical alerts can do almost everything a traditional one button only medical alert system can do. The only question is whether they're as effective. We're actually a little concerned that while certainly better looking and more feature rich, in the time of an emergency, they may be confusing. 

For example, in the watch above (on the wrist) there are actually two button on the side of the watch. Which do you press in the event of an emergency? There are also two screens. If you're like on the floor in a panic, will you have the where with all to switch into the appropriate home screen?

It seems to us that the best medical alert system for most older adults who need one, is probably the traditional one button pendent. There's no mistaking what you have to press. No opportunity for confusion in a moment of panic and anxiety. We would still recommend you get a mobile alert, with the help button, fall detection and GPS all wrapped into one device. 

That said, there still seems to be a place for smart watch medical alerts. First, if someone was reluctant to get the traditional system because it aged them, then something, is always better than nothing. Second, for those who thought they were too young for a traditional medical alert system, the smart watch systems may be a good alternative. This could open up a whole new, younger, segment of the population.

Regardless, make sure you're comfortable with the company behind the service. Hopefully this new fall detection system that was just introduced by Apple will help bring attention to the advantages and possibilities of the technology.

Medical ALert For Active Seniors

Medical ALert For Active Seniors

Wearables for Active Seniors
