As always: pencils first.
An hour or two into the ink. I try to set hour long alarms to keep me on task instead of letting that stupid urge to check Facebook take control.
Getting close
Just about there 
I ended up taking some of those plants i added at the last minute to the bottom and putting them up top. They were throwing the weight and balance off. I lost the flow i originally planned on and needed to reclaim it.
Here was the final design. I was planning on making this a 5-7 color print, but the more colors i added, the more it seemed to take away from the lineart. So, i worked up this very textured background pattern as a second color. 
Ink is still wet here, so it has a shine. The terrible fluorescent lights at the shop wash out thebackground in the photo.
I have a small variant run of 19 available on white paper.



I needed to do something new and hadn't done one of my crazy illustrations in a while, so one evening, I took a bunch of reference photos of some Read More


Creative Fields