Sinead Molloy's profile

The Natural History Museum - Radio

The Natural History Museum - Radio Script

A college project called for a 30 second radio script for the Natural History Museum, Merrion Square, Dublin 2. 

The brief was to position the museum as a place not only for children, but somewhere that families can return to, maybe even a generation or two later and still feel the same excitement as their first venture through the doors. 


Background noise: Taking place in a car. Traffic sounds, car horn blows far away, faint car radio. Quietens down as dialogue begins.

Man: impatiently. Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

Woman: jokingly. Oh for God’s sake Tom, we will be there in half an hour! This isn’t your first time to go.

Man: I know, but it’s my first time going with the kids. I still remember my first visit to the Dead Zoo. I think I was seven and …

Girl: excitedly. I know dad, you’ve told us … but is there really a lion and a bear and a giraffe and an elephant [pauses for exaggerated deep breath] and a Gorilla and a giant deer and a whale skeleton and a … [fades out]

VO: The Natural History Museum, Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Open Tuesday to Sunday. Admission is free. Find out more at Relive the excitement, again and again.

The Natural History Museum - Radio

The Natural History Museum - Radio
