Alexia Dubé's profile

Miscellaneous projects

Here are some miscellaneous projects. They were not big projects, simply regular tasks at work that I decided to sum here to showcase the variety of work I do.
eCommerce pamplhet
Composition work
Cover concept for a Hospitality Custom Capabilities catalogue​​​​​​​
Déclinaisons for section dividers in a Bauhaus themed product catalogue
Concept ideas for promotional e-blasts
Web design
Various sliding banners for the company website's frontpage
Labels and marketing material
Infographics for instructions on how to use a phone charger and a USB key card
Alice in Wonderland themed signage for product showroom
Pantone coloured macaroons were served, the labels displayed which were the available flavours​​​​​​​
Branding déclinaisons
Every year, the catalogue's theme is changed and the lifestyle icons are modified according
to the new theme. This year the theme was Bauhaus. Deconstructed geometrical designs ensued.
Miscellaneous projects

Miscellaneous projects

Regular set of noticeable projects and tasks done at work over the past two years. These required different skills and a way with different style Read More
