Stature Basic's profile

New Brunswick: Taxi Cab Takeover

New Brunswick Taxi Cab Takeover
A two video deliverable project shot in Toronto and Montreal as well as 20+ locations all around New Brunswick. This project showcased, both in English and French, the beautiful province of New Brunswick. This project took place over a total of six shoot days.
One local taxi from Toronto and Montreal was decked out in New Brunswick branding, picked up a fare, a “New Brunswick Insider” was in the front seat to promote the area using old school one-on-one conversation, and finally invite the guests to drop everything and head out on a free adventure!

Stature Films filmed with a crew out in Montreal and a crew out in Toronto decking out each taxi cab with a number of cameras and microphones. We also had a vehicle following the cab filming with a mounted camera and a ground team ready to jump out and capture a potential winner!

Over 4 days in New Brunswick we captured both adventures over dozens of locations with drones, cameras and action cams. We then picked everything up, flew back to Toronto and got our edit on!
Stature Delivered two videos in just a few months with days of footage to go through, multiple client revisions, and colouring and still came out months ahead of schedule! 
New Brunswick: Taxi Cab Takeover

Project Made For

New Brunswick: Taxi Cab Takeover
