Natasha Dawson's profile

The Forest of Deception

The Forest of Deception is a response to a brief that invited the user to interact in an exhibition space. The concept for this idea stemmed from the idea of touch and it's importance to our understanding of the world around us and how touch is often more important than sight. I developed this idea further and started to look into social media and how touch is completely missing from the digital world. We now live in a world addicted to the digital world, constantly on our phones, looking and interacting with our screens.  I wanted to create an interactive piece that focused on hyper-reality and emphasises this addiction.  I chose to focus on nature as many young people/children living in cities have never experienced nature in reality, everything they know is through a digital screen. The user is invited to interact with nature but instead of being greeted by the sound of birds tweeting and the wind blowing through the trees, they are greeted but notification sounds, to show how out of touch with reality. I decided to use artificial grass to emphasise the idea of hyper-reality but used real plants, rocks and a log to merge the idea of reality with hyper-reality.
The Forest of Deception

The Forest of Deception

The Forest of Deception is an interactive experience focusing on hyper-reality and our addiction to the digital world.
