The Mask of Zorro 
20th Anniversary Tribute Art
July 2018

It’s been twenty years?! 

That was my reaction when I recently revisited The Mask of Zorro, and then immediately I wondered why there hadn’t been a sequel. Well, to be fair, immediately after I mostly felt old. And, in keeping with the fair thing, I should add that there already was a sequel — it’s called The Legend of Zorro, and while I’m certain I’ve seen it I, um, don’t really remember much about it. Hmmm…something with a train. Nevertheless, setting aside for a moment my old age and that sequel I kinda forgot existed, let’s continue.

When I say sequel, I mean a conclusion. Banderas was great in the role, and I'd like to see him suit up for one last ride. A proper send-off for the old Fox. But what would that look like? I had some thoughts.
I started by grabbing some current images of Antonio Banderas and his beard magnífico…​​​​​​​ well as costume reference...
…and researched the previous marketing materials for the original 1998 film (left) and the possibly-has-a-train-in-it sequel (right).
My selected head shot.
After adding a little Zorro costume details...mask, hat, sword. Still need to lighten that beard a little though...
Ah. That's better.
Old Man Zorro


Old Man Zorro

Conceptual art of Antonio Banderas returning as Zorro
