Out of Kuwait
        After spending time exploring the identity of Kuwait through its history and past characteristics, I wanted to document what I see and connect to in the present-day. The places I have chosen to depict have a special place in my childhood memory and are now a part of Kuwait to me. I would see them nearly daily walking or driving by. And still to this day I remember the stories we used to hear about what lurks inside them. I choose to create a series of brooches depicting these places as I remembered them, and removing all the details around them that I never truly paid attention to. I wanted to be true to my memory of these places and try to portray the feelings I had about them as a child.
The Pink House: Silver, Copper, Enamel.
The Fourth: Silver, Copper, Enamel
Yasmein: Silver, Copper, Enamel
The White One: Silver, Copper, Enamel
Out of Kuwait

Out of Kuwait

Enameled brooches of scenes from Kuwait.
