snippets of this short film

Ligaya (Short Film)

Ernesto Flores Surigao as Benji
Hannah Abocejo as Ligaya
Luis Ancheta as Brother of Benji
Jillian Lacno - Part of the 80s squad (Bystander)
Francheska Iglesia - Part of the 80s squad (Bystander)
Audrey Indefenzo - Part of the 80s squad (By Stander) 

Filmed by:
Vanju's Kids Production

Production Team:
Directed by: Kim Jacob
Assistant Director: Jillian Lacno
Production Manager: Francheska Iglesia
Set Designer: Audrey Indefenzo
Scriptwriter: Kim Jacob
Director Of Photography: Kim Jacob & Jillian Lacno
Sound Director: Patricia Amagsila & Jillian Lacno
Lighting Director: Jeremy Jayme, Jethro Napiza, & Louie Kwong

Music by:
Space Onigiri: Sad Song & Melanholy

Special thanks to: 
Sir Vanju Alvaira
Mr & Mrs. Indefenzo

College of the Holy Spirit (set location)
Audrey Indefenzo's House (set location)
