Ok,It's my new project,Paramaatma.Bye the way,What's Paramaatma? Paramaatma is God.The name "Paramaatma" is from Sanskrit Language which means "The Supreme One".This project will present God's omnipotence in creating (utpatti),preserving (sthiti),and reabsorbing (pralina).Those are Sanskrit Language by the way.These paintings are also added with "spices" of Balinese art.And one thing,they are all made with mouse,no pen tablet.Hope you like it.

Utpatti is the creation of universe.This painting shows the condition when universe was created.Some ancient texts say that the beginning was good at all,no evil,and calm.In this painting,I used light color that represents freshness of a creation.The light color also represents the condition is almost good with no evil.This painting also represents "first morning in new-created universe".About the white figure in the middle,the figure represents God in Hindu-Balinese concept.The name is Acintya (The Unthinkable One). 
These are the pictures of Acintya.Thanks for Google Image and Wikipedia.
This painting represents the condition after universe was created,the life.Then,universe is lived by creatures either living or not living.In this painting,I usedset the brightness and saturation a bit darker in "Utpatti" that represents the step-by-step coming of darkness.It also represents that the universe begins to be "darker" and it leads to the coming of pralaya (the end of the world).About that shadow,I put that filtered image to the painting.That filtered image is kayonan/gunungan,the symbol of life in Indonesian Wayang.I used Balinese kayonan.

The painting looks terrible,dark,messy and EPIC.It's the condition when universe is reabsorbed to The Creator.It represents God in God's Terrifying form (in balinese wayang) reabsorbs the universe back.The dark color represents the evil has more capacity than the good.I mean evil has ruled the universe.The shadow image represents God's terrifying form in balinese wayang.What happenned after this? In every world mythologies,the universe is going to be created again and new life will begin.A quote for you:

"There will always be the end of a beginning"

Ok,that's all of the "Paramaatma" project.If you have seen this project,click the appreciate project.Sorry,if there are some faults.Ok,Thank You,See you in another project.