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imprint : Prints for generations

Imprint: Prints for generations

Imprint is a branded campaign to encourage people to learn about the dying traditional craft of ukiyo-e. To engage woodblock prints on a digital platform while also physically preserving the craft.

3D Render of mechanism to create prints. With different motifs and patterns. Which will also lead to the imprint website. 
Front page & Menu
Scanning of images & drawings.
Tutorial for Colouring the drawn/scanned artworks.
Colouring pages.
At the end of creating the digital print, the artwork can then be submitted to Japan Creative Centre (JCC), to be processed and craved by artists. Creating the actual prints to showcase the craft itself.
Inner Space
The space can also be curated to host workshops to teach various age groups about woodblock print. Which opens up opportunity to artists who are specialised in such crafts.
T-shirts can also be produced based on the prints submitted through the mobile web. But there are also the basic prints created from the graphics of the logo itself. 
imprint : Prints for generations

imprint : Prints for generations

imprint is a branded campaign to encourage people to learn about woodblock printing.
