In collaboration with AlteaCorp and Inside Frame we were approached by Citelum to adapt a 10min story for a video mapping show on Izamal, Yucatán.
The place: Convento de San Antonio de Padua
A magnificient cloister build on 1560, full of history and magic.

Based on a screenplay provided by the client we adapted the show to reflect the history of this town. From prehispanic civilizations that inhabited the area, the new christian religion, The Mexican Revolution, a beautiful colonial town; and the actual culture and religion both ancient and modern that live and interact with each other on a daily basis creating a wonderfull mix of colours and mysticism that draws people from all over to the mexican peninsula. 

Concept art by Alteacorp. Animation done by Inside Frame.
Art Department: Natalia Olvera, Marisa Parga
Animation: Luis Manuel Guzmán, Ricardo Mesta, Bernardo Ramírez, Jesus Daniel García
Izamal Video Mapping