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FAQ : On the snake fight portion of your thesis defense

FAQ : "on the snake fight" portion of your thesis defense
Snake fight is a project in which we coded a McSweeney's online article into an interactive web experience. The article I chose was called "snake fight" and centered around grad students fighting snakes as part of their thesis papers. The way I approached this "snake fight" was to design it like a retro video game, in which the user would actually get to fight the snake.
The first half of the website is a conversation between a grad student and a roman emperor, playing out the text of the website. The second part of the website has the user enter a retro role-playing text adventure in which they actually get to fight the snake. 
As users scroll through the website, the background would change from day to night. The Question and Answer format of the article was turned into an SMS format. 
The roleplaying segment of the article contains several animated hand drawn GIF based on excerpts from the article 
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This project has been optimized for google chrome
FAQ : On the snake fight portion of your thesis defense

FAQ : On the snake fight portion of your thesis defense

This is project is an interactive web experience.
